Blog Archive

Does Gratitude Make You a Better Leader?
Negativity and fearfulness can be paralyzing for anyone, but especially for those in positions of leadership. Approaching our work from a place of gratitude enables us to be forward-thinking leaders, to be inspired to take risks, to innovate, and to dream about the future.

You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression
A while back, I was flattered to receive a request to participate in the Development Debrief with Kathryn Van Sickle. Kathryn has interviewed titans of the philanthropy industry, and it was an honor to share my area of expertise with her audience.

The Great Opportunity Continues
Many business sectors across the globe are experiencing this time as a “job seekers market” and the nonprofit arena is no different. Yet senior executives are leaving their positions in industry to join nonprofits where they can enjoy the intrinsic rewards of contributing to the greater good of society. Vice President John Toolan shares insights to help your organization thrive in this shifting landscape.