Leadership Development by Bryant Group
Retaining brilliant leaders is just as important as recruiting them.
Hanging on to talented team members is top of mind for every leader. Building strong team players with emotional intelligence, effective communication skills, problem-solving ability, self-motivation, and an understanding of the power of working as a true team impacts retention and results.
We specialize in the skills that just make everything get done better, faster, more smoothly, and with a touch of fun.
Our Focus
Our team specializes in facilitating educational retreats and workshops your team will be thinking and talking about for months. Some of the topics we offer include:
DiSC 363 for Leaders (360 Review and 3-Step Action Plan)
DiSC for Managers
DiSC for Successful Relationships
DiSC Productive Conflict
Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Workshop Series (adapted from the work of Patrick Lencioni)
Productive Listening
Let’s get started.
Impactful, synergistic teams produce efficient, successful results—and we aim to make that a reality at your workplace. When you’re ready to strengthen your team with Bryant Group, please contact us or call 972.739.6030.
Featured Leadership Development Clients
What People Are Saying
“I was looking for someone who understood HR and leadership who could help me lead my team. [The Bryant Group facilitator] approached it with an intentional method. We did DiSC profiles, then walked through 5 functions of a team/5 dysfunctions of team. It was conversational, which made everyone feel included and at ease. The training was some of the best leadership development I’ve had in my 30+ year career.”
— Rod Grabowski
Senior Vice President for University Advancement, University of Central Florida
“I have chosen Bryant Group to work with my leadership team - including my leaders in finance, operations, communications, IT, and fundraising - because of the immediate impact I see every time I have engaged them. BG helps create the environment for shared understanding toward a common goal.”
— Tracy Ostrem
President, Ostrem Leadership Group