Blog Archive

The Positive Transition
During the fourth quarter of 2021, “employees [were] switching jobs at a higher than usual pace as more flexible ‘work-from-home’ arrangements create greater job mobility.”¹ The experts call it The Great Resignation.² At Bryant Group, we call it The Great Opportunity.

Interview Secrets to Success
You probably get dozens of job announcements in your email weekly, and mostly you just delete them. But then, one day your inbox contains a career opportunity that piques your interest. “I could be really good at this…maybe I should apply!” you think.Before you begin to respond, take a moment to think about this position from the hiring organization’s point of view and ask yourself one question that will guide every move you make.

Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First

Are You Supporting Your Free Agents?

What We’ve Been Missing

Serving families in need

The Great Opportunity (Part III)

The Great Opportunity (Part II)

The Great Opportunity (Part I)

Remote Work. What Now?

Envision Partners with the City of Wichita to Impact Transportation Experiences

Planning a Successful Departure

Partnering for a Purpose

Making connections where people are born, grow, live, work and age

Ever Feel Like You’re in a Marathon?

Hope for 2021

2020 Lessons Learned

Silver Linings

Seven Tips for an Outstanding Reference Check