“Great leaders do not simply tell folks what to do; they show them the right way to do things through their actions. Be the positive change you want to see in the world; be a great leader.”
Tenisha Dunham has dedicated her career to serving others. For the last 20 years she has worked in non-profit healthcare. She started her healthcare career as a Certified Nursing Assistant working in a skilled nursing facility. She found great joy in taking care of others who couldn’t care for themselves. She took that passion and turned it into a career where she has been able create a larger impact of positive change by being part of the executive leadership team. Tenisha has more than 10 years of executive leadership experience that focuses on finding ways to best utilize resources and reduce waste by implementing effective and efficient policies and procedures.
Tenisha holds a master’s in business administration with a concentration in finance and is a doctoral candidate working toward her doctorate in business administration with a concentration in healthcare administration.
Tenisha uses her personal time to help support local non-profits and small businesses with her experience and expertise. She is also a proud registered tribal member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation of Shawnee Oklahoma.