Leading with Empathy: the Key to Calm in a Crisis

“This too shall pass.”

But until it does, how do you cope in the meantime? How do you lead others? Ensure productivity? Keep your team together? Even if you’ve managed and led through crisis in the past, this one is different, involving mandatory social distancing, economic repercussions, and a whole new way of living and working—at least for a while.

Many leaders go straight to logistics and operations talk--or worse, go into hiding. All of which are understandable. (If you haven’t wanted to pull your covers back over your head in the morning in the last week, you may have some kind of superpower.)

However, in a time of crisis—especially one that requires social distancing and remote work—leaders must start with connection and compassion. To see productivity, results and long-term loyalty, lead with empathy.

Your team is scared. Scared they might lose their job. Scared they or their loved ones will get ill and not be able to get the help they need. Scared they won’t be able to get pharmaceuticals or possibly even food.

These are real concerns (Maslow taught us that), and your care for people *as people* builds the foundation for everything else: staying connected while working remotely, staying productive, working with donors during this time, and problem-solving in new ways.

Take a few minutes to show you care. About them. There is something about saying, “I know you’re scared. I share similar concerns, but we are going to get through this together” or just asking them how they are doing that helps produce calm.

Fear dissipates when named and sets the stage for problem-solving, creativity, and new ways of doing business that will help you, your team, and your organization come out stronger, smarter, and more bonded than ever before.

As a leader, you have a lot on your plate right now. Let BRYANT GROUP professionals help you #getitdone #getitright and help your team #getconnected. We have been providing leadership coaching to Advancement Professionals for years. Message me to explore how we can help you and your team through these uncertain times.

Sally Bryant

Sally is the CEO of Bryant Group and is based in Dallas, Texas.
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Leading the Way (Part 1)


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